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Sunday, 2 November 2014

Create a Basic HTML Template

We've produced a video to go with this lesson.
It's recommended that you read the text below
as well, though. The video is here:
How to Create a HTML Template
While you have the Windows Explorer or Finder
screen open, you can save your current HTML

skeleton as a template. That way, you don't have
to type it all out every time you want a new web
In your text editor, delete any text between your
two TITLE tags. Now click File > Save As . From
the Save As dialogue box change the name of
your web page to template.txt :
Click Save to save the code as a text file. You
will be returned to your text editor. Click File >
Save As again. Now change the name of the file
to newpage.html . In the Save As Type box in
Windows, change it to All Files:
Save the file and switch to Windows Explorer or
Finder. You should now see three pages:
One of these, the template is a text file rather
than a HTML file. From now on, you can open the
template text file, and repeat the process above:
Click File > Save As , change the Save As Type
box to All Files , then type a new name for your
web page, not forgetting the html ending.
There is a problem, however. If you were to
double click your newpage.html file it would open
up in your browser. But you will want to open it
up in Notepad so that you can edit the file and
make changes.
To solve the problem, you can add an item to the
Send to menu in Windows (Macs will have an
Open With right-click menu. Your text editor
should be on there). This appears when your
right-click the file:
In the image above, we have Notepad on the
Send to menu. Selecting this item means that we
can quickly open up the code in Notepad.
To add an item to the Send to menu, switch back
to your Explorer window. In the address bar at
the top, enter the following:
Press the Enter key on your keyboard and you will
be taken to the Send to folder:
You can now drag and drop items from your Start
menu to this folder. (Make sure Windows Explorer
doesn't fill the whole of your screen by clicking
the Restore Down icon just to the left of the Red
Click your Windows Start button. From the All
Programs > Accessories menu, locate Notepad
again. Hold down your left mouse button on
Notepad. Keep it held down and drag across to
your Windows Explorer and your Send To folder:/

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