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Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Giving Your Photos an Artistic Effect in Photoshop

Giving Your Photo an Artistic Effect in Photoshop. In this Photoshop tutorial, you are going to learn how to add an Artistic impression to your image. We have only shown one way in which this can be achieved. And that is through the use of Filters and Adjustment layers.
1. Open whatever imag
e you would like to work on in Photoshop. Here is the link to the image we will be using for this tutorial:
2. Duplicate the background layer.
3. Go to: Filter > Artistic Colored Pencil and then make the following changes:
4. Go to: Filter > Artistic Cutout and then make the following changes:
5. Go to: Filter > Blur Gaussian Blur and then make the following changes:
6. Change the duplicate layer’s Blend Mode from Normal to Overlay.
7. Create a new Adjustment layer and choose Hue/ Saturation. Then make the following changes:
8. Create a new Adjustment layer and choose Curves. Then make the following changes:
That’s it, babe.
Final Picture:

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